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00029 黄花岗烈士陵园

时间:2009-05-07 17:35 来源:本网










  电  话:8107 8291


■Yellow Flowers under Bright Moonlight (Huanghuagang Cemetery of 72 Martyrs)

  Located at Xianlie Road North of Guangzhou and covering an area of 129, 000 square meters, Huanghuagang Cemetery of 72 Martyrs was constructed to commemorate the 72 martyrs who bravely sacrificed their lives in the Guangzhou Uprising on April 27, 1911 aiming to overthrow the feudal Qing (1644-1911) government. The construction of Huanghuagang Cemetery of 72 Martyrs was first started in 1912. The Martyrs' Graves and the Monument ware built in 1921 and the whole cemetery was finished in 1928. After years of repairs and renovations, the cemetery was finally developed into the present scale in 1935 when it was opened to the public as a park.   

  The archway of the main gate is 13 meters high with the epigraph of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, "May the Noble Spirit of the Martyrs Last Forever", engraved on top. Entering the cemetery, one will see a wide road leading all the way to the grave, which is 230 meters long and lined by pines and cypress. The Martyrs' Grave is built on top of a hill, and in the center of the grave platform. Behind the grave is the monument. There are many kinds of flowers planted in the cemetery, all with yellow blossoms, like yellow jasmine, yellow peony, sweet-scented osmanthus and yellow-flower dogbane. The yellow flowers, blossoming all seasons along, symbolize the immortal lofty spirit of the revolutionary martyrs.

  As an important memorial park to commemorate the Chinese revolutionary history, Huanghuagang Cemetery of 72 Martyrs is among the first batch of cultural relic sites under state protection.

  Contact: Guangzhou Tourism Bureau  

  Tel: 8107 8291